Overweight American Actress & Her Slim Boyfriend, Reactions

Gloria and Ali Together

Below is a recently popular Yahoo Indonesia translation of an article originally written in English by Gloria Shuri Nava (Tumblr), a half-Mexican and half-Filipino YouTube personality, part-time actress, and frequent Facebook user. It details her love and relationship with her boyfriend, and has become an inspiration for Indonesian netizens, giving them hope that true love might actually exist.

Please note that we translated excerpts from the Indonesian version instead of just copying the original English, which may show just how easily and often things can easily when translated. Feel free to read the entire story in English here.

From Yahoo Indonesia:

I’m Fat, My Boyfriend is Handsome…. So What?

My boyfriend, Ali, is 177 cm tall with blue eyes, dimpled smile and muscular body. He’s someone who most likely will have a relationship with a woman who is slim and sexy. But that’s not the case, I’m actually a fat girl.

Gloria in Sweatshirt

We’ve been dating for 18 months, and no matter where we go – when walking hand in hand in the mall, airport or road – most people looked confused as if to say, “he can get a better woman!”

Xmas Party at Ali Home in Scotland

When people commented, their words can be cruel (“Is he blind?” Or “He’s just with you to get a Permit”) to quips like, “Well yes, he does not just see the way you look” or “He is really nice to want a relationship with you.” I usually tell them, “he’s not being charitable – he’s my boyfriend!”

Gloria and Ali Kissing Each Other


Ali is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He makes me feel good all the time. I once asked him, “Why do you love me?” He said, “Because you’re beautiful and candid.” […]

Ali at Gloria Home

Beauty and relationships come in all shapes and side: black, white, short, tall, skinny, fat – and one partner does not have to be a mirror to the other. Love is love. That’s what Ali has taught me, and now I want to teach it to the rest of the world.

Gloria “Draw My Life” Video:

Comments from Yahoo:


Is he blind? LOL, kidding. This story is similar to a movie… I can’t remember its title.

Keysma SchÖnegutz:

So sweet… Unconditional love. Hopefully their love is eternal.


This news is a breath of fresh air to those people who are fat.. No need to feel inferior ever again. Hehe.

Gloria and Ali in Party

Irham Asli:

There’s something sexually wrong with this guy…


Hmm, hopefully their true love will last till death.


This is what you call unconditional love, not based on looks or physical attributes. Good luck for both of you. :)


I think …. he’s right about you …. because you have an inner beauty that other people do not have…..two thumbs up for you, girl!

Gloria Big Happy Family


YES.. INNER BEAUTY Is More Important than OUTER LOOK.. :D

Farid Bakhri:

Arghhh. This world is getting older, she’s so LUCKY!


Bigger is better. What’s the fun of having a skinny girlfriend. She’s all bones. Hehe.

Gloria and Ali Cuddling in Bed

Hesty Layana:

Cool and inspirational. So don’t judge a book from its cover.


That lucky white guy is now famous in Indonesia.

Mega Sulistiyowati:

Is there nothing impossible in this world?!?!

Mrs Nes:

LOVE IS BLIND and it should stay that way. No matter who you are and what you look like there is always somebody for everybody!?!?!


A motorized chair and heart problems are her future….. diabetes is already here too!

Ali and Gloria Kissing Each Other

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