Ethnic Chinese Threatened Against Voting in Jakarta Elections


On YouTube:

Chinese Cowboy To Lead Jakarta

From LensaIndonesia:

Ethnic Chinese Indonesians Threatened (Against Voting in Jakarta Elections)

Spreading on YouTube is a video rejecting the participation of ethnic Chinese Indonesians in the final round of the Jakarta Governor Election. This video titled “Chinese Cowboy To Lead Jakarta”, seems to be used to threaten Chinese Indonesians so they will not use their voting rights. This 2 minutes video shows a blurred image of a man holding a machete, followed by a frightening message:

“We, the Youth Savior of Jakarta, give an ultimatum to the Chinese to not vote in the final round of the Election or ..,” said the man, which is then followed with scenes of riots. These scenes are very similar to the riots that actually happened in May 1998.


At the beginning of the video, Bung Karno [the first president of Indonesia] appears talking about being in Jakarta. “Brothers and sisters, praise the Lord in the presence of the God, today I am stepping on Jakarta once again,” said Bung Karno.

Based on investigation, this video on YouTube had already been viewed 16,559 times with 341 comments. The video posted on August 13 seems to discredit ethnic Chinese Indonesians, with “Beware the latent danger of the Chinese Corrupter” written during parts of the video.

A man slaughtered like an animal during the May 1998 riots.

A man slaughtered like an animal during the May 1998 riots.

Comments from YouTube, Kaskus, LensaIndonesia:


This is so frightening!


Since he hides his face, he must be terribly ugly. He’s claiming to be the Savior of Jakarta but afraid to show himself, he can only spread rumors! You can’t call yourself a Savior if you do this evil thing :(


Just looking to cause a sensation. He must be afraid of losing [the election]… What a thuggish-unemployed-miserably poor person!


Why are the Chinese descendants only tainted with racism, why not the Arab descendants too?


Someone is in panic mode knowing that he will lose in the final count of the election… especially when a lot of money has been invested and there will be a risk of being called by the KPK [Government Anti-Corruption Agency] later on.


What a childish action… He’s admitting himself as a riot starter and even posted a riot video on YouTube.. Where is the police here?
The evidence is so obvious. Therefore, let’s toss this coward into jail so he will be gangbanged there by abg labil.


I’m not from Jakarta but still I can’t accept this issue. Why are there people who play with racism, does he want to be attacked by maho?


More likely, he is just an overreacting person who is looking for sensations. He even uses a machete to scare us!!


If I can’t vote then I won’t pay taxes either then hehe!


I miss the time when we were united as one and carried sharp bamboo to fight.
I miss the time when we were fighting against the colonialists.
I miss the time when we shouted the word “FREEDOM” together.
I miss the time when we fought without seeing SKIN COLOR.
I miss that time. I really miss it and will keep missing it.



So scary, boss..
I hope this person will go to jail!

evy sukmawati Rahim:

You must be a disgrace prostitude kid! What a dumbass!!


Foke [current Jakarta Governor], why not to use your common sense at least once?


Jokowi Ahok. The more you’re insulted, the more you’ll be victorious!


How can Indonesia improve if it still has so many dumbasses like these people. Hopefully god will bless you!


What a dog! Idiot! Show your face first then we can call you a gentleman. What a pasukan nasi bungkus!


This video is spreading hatred and has violent contents. I demand that youtube admin can delete it effective immediately. Thank you and keep Jakarta safe and prosper place for everyone.


What a cheap terorrist! He only brings a machete and it’s a short one hahaha…


Hey, the dog who created this video, I’m not afraid of you!


So frightening! Chinese in Glodok are going to be slaughtered!


So stupid! They think they can win this way. Hopefully, the CHINESE one WILL WIN!


FART! I’LL STILL COME [to the election] NO MATTER WHAT! I’ll just show him pork blood and he’ll just run away.

What do you think? Will the May 1998 genocide against Chinese-Indonesians happen again in Jakarta?


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